

🌗« Global Poetry Night: A Stand Against Tyranny and Darkness in Afghanistan »  📖『詩の檻はない』、アフガニスタンの圧政と闇に立ち向かう世界的ポエトリーナイト。

🌗« Global Poetry Night: A Stand Against Tyranny and Darkness in Afghanistan »
 📖『NO JAIL CAN CONFINE YOUR POEM 詩の檻はない』、アフガニスタンの圧政と闇に立ち向かう世界的ポエトリーナイト。
🖊フランスペンクラブの新会長に就任されたCarole Carcillo Mesrobianさんの多大なるご尽力により実現!
 ~Poetry is the freedom to think itself and the cornerstone of literary expression.~本イベントの開催にあたり、なんと、日本ペンクラブ獄中作家・人権委員会委員長中島京子様より連帯のメッセージを賜り、Carole Carcillo Mesrobianさんと私からご紹介させて戴きました。

 Carole Carcillo Mesrobianさん、Cécile Oumhani さん、Somaia Ramishさん、本当にありがとうございました!!


🌓Today's event is truly amazing.It's a night that will go down in history.thank you very much.
Listening to everyone's wonderful readings made me think about what is most important for humanity around the world.
I am glad that we can move forward into a new era in solidarity with everyone.thank you very much.
Thank you for your cooperation today.

✤ message from Dr.Atsushi Takahashi ✤

For the great French poet Paul Éluard, "poetry" was a synonym for "freedom."
Following this poet's example, the ideology that seeks to suppress and eliminate “poetry” is, in other words, the ideology that seeks to suppress and eliminate human “freedom”. Politics that reflects this ideology is practiced in Afghanistan today, and we absolutely cannot approve of such politics. But there is something we must not forget. This unfortunate conflict between those who seek freedom and those who suppress it is not a problem that can be resolved only within one nation, Afghanistan. Behind this problem is a much larger political force that seeks to incite conflict within the same ethnic group, destabilize the country, and profit from this. The voices of protest demanding the freedom of “poetry” should not be used as a tool for such political power struggles. Those who suppress the freedom of “poetry” (in other words, the Taliban) may not actually know what that “freedom” is. If this is the case, our "poetic protest" is not limited to accusing them (our current adversaries) of their "poetic ignorance," but also demands their own "poetry, or freedom." I believe that it should also be a voice that calls out to others.
Pour le grand poète français Paul Éluard, la poésie était synonyme de liberté.
